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one year ago
Manveet Kaur Chhina

Aman… Years back; you didn’t know me and I didn’t know you. I reached out to probably at least 50 different estate agents and there was nothing for me. A single mum to very young girls, I was given various reasons as to why nobody could assist. My health was not great, on a low income, only just considering starting a career in law. Our living conditions were bad and my mental health was at breaking point. One night I sent out an emotional email, a cry for help; it’s not usually my character to do so but for one reason or another I did. It went to around 20+ local estate agents. The next day I received a phone call from you, you were the only one who contacted me of all the people the email went to. You said you had seen my email and the same day you told me to meet you at the property to have a look. I remember us meeting and you then asked Mani to come and meet me at the property too. You both said “you can have it… even if someone came and offered more money now we wouldn’t accept it, it’s yours…” I told you how much it meant to me and how grateful I was, but throughout all of our conversations and meetings, I don’t think I ever expressed fully what you did for me by calling me that day. You gave me a chance when nobody would (and trust me I was trying everyday for over a year), you saved my mental health, you gave me and my girls a home. These actions allowed me to accomplish everything I wanted and now I spend my days helping others. I will always be indebted to you and Mani for what you both did for me and my girls, from you just picking up the phone and calling me that day. Each time I saw you and Mani over the years, you both left me in fits of laughter. Your heart was so big and pure. My heart broke when I heard… I guess God wants the real ones closest to him the soonest 💔 I am grateful I got to say goodbye and thank you one last time. I write this so your loved ones may see how you helped another, in addition to everyone else you did so much for, as your brother spoke of proudly in his speech. I will forever hold your loved ones in my prayers. Rab Rakha 🙏🏽

£101.00 (+ £25.25 Gift Aid)